.Fiberglass roof is entirely open at this time, plywood to screen top 2/3 of alsynite hasn’t yet been installed by Tischler
. Low sill on window at dining room, requested by Mrs. Tischler over Schindler’s objections, is visible to the left. This was later covered up by Tischler to match Schindler’s design. See Talking to Mr. Tischler, part 3

Arrows with numbers indicate positions where photos were taken

Fiberglass roof is completely exposed.

I assume that Adolph Tischler was the family photographer and that’s why he isn’t in any of these photographs. That must be his shadow at the bottom of this photo.

Wood ladder drops down to access loft, it is rotated to a horizontal position when stored.
Folding doors between bedrooms are on the left of this photo, shown in the open position. They slide on the horizontal beam to the left of the ladder .

My childhood in the Tischlers’ Schindler house
Many, many thanks to Diane Garver, daughter of Adolph Tischler. Like her father, she generously shared her story of her life in their Schindler house.
Special thanks for Diane’s wonderful photographs of her family in their house. All her photographs are copyright Diane Garver, all rights reserved. They are used here with her kind permission.
This interview was conducted by email, starting 11/10/2012
Please also see my interview with Adolph Tischler, Diane’s father. It will help you understand the house and his history with it.
Steve Wallet: What is your job/career/passion(s)?
Diane Garver: I now am working part time in a home office for an 85 year old. My introduction to this man came through his wife who I met at the park pool water aerobics class. I had heard her talking about Westwood and so finally asked her where she had lived. It turns out she and her husband lived 8 houses up Cashmere from our (Schindler) house. I never met them in LA, their children were younger, but it really is a small world.
My passions for the last part of my life are building friendships, living with others and WATER AEROBICS.
The house and you on a personal level
I grew up in a suburban tract house and all my friends lived in tract houses. What was it like to grow up in your house? Were you or your friends aware of it as different? Was that fun or strange or both? Continue reading Growing up Modern, part 1 of 3