Thought you’d want to know that my article on Garrott, Schindler and the Bethlehem Baptist Church was mentioned in the new book “Building Art: The Life and Work of Frank Gehry”1 written by Paul Goldberger. It’s right there in the footnote at the bottom of page 128.

Unfortunately, there are a few errors in the footnote…
Mr. Goldberger says the Church was “thoroughy restored in 2014”. In fact, the Church has not been restored at all. The current owners have painted the Church in non-original colors and made a few rough patches. The Church is still waiting for restoration by sympathetic owners.
Careful readers may also notice that my last name is spelled wrong. The correct spelling is “Wallet”, one “t”.
I contacted Mr Goldberger and he kindly apologized and assured me that both would be corrected in the next edition.
Thanks to architect and friend Steve Dalton for bringing the footnote to my attention.
1 Paul Goldberger, Building Art: The Life and Work of Frank Gehry (New York, Knopf, 2015), 128