Category Archives: Design

Garden Sink

More furniture for the working gardener

We built a potting shed behind our garage years ago. One thing it lacked however, was a sink for watering newly potted and repotted plants, or washing off pots, rocks or hands.

I looked for a salvaged laundry sink, but had no luck. I looked for new laundry sinks, but they are mostly a thing of the past. In my search, I came across a deep fiberglass sink that had been returned and was marked down. I took a chance and bought it before I had an idea of how to use it.

The sink needed a counter for support, an area to put materials while working in the sink, a water supply and a drain. There was a hose in the shed, so water was no problem. Since the only thing that would be in the sink was plants and soil (no chemicals or detergents), it could just drain onto the ground.

I designed a table with a large opening for the sink. There is a work area to the left, and a storage shelf below. The table stands on a fan shaped area of brick, so I curved the table edge to follow the brick. Materials are 2x and 4x redwood.


NOTE: There is a black plastic flat (tray) across the top of the sink in these photos. Lisa uses it when she works on small plants in the sink.

Top: View looking from the potting shed

Second from Top: View from our backyard, looking towards the potting shed. The sink

is on the left. I was so amazed by the amount of things to look at in this picture, I made the guide photo below.

Third from the Top: View from our backyard, with the sink circled for easy identification

Fourth from the Top: Front view showing depth of the  sink and the shelf below

Fifth from the Top: View from our Backyard., showing the curved table edge matching the curved brick

Bottom: Note the drain pipe that snakes to the side. It drains onto the gravel walking surface in the potting shed

My Almond Baker

Character design

I like the character trademarks from the 1930’s, 40’s and 50’s. Characters were created to represent a company, rather than the abstract corporate logos used today. They have a playful and funny quality that most logos lack. Some famous trademark characters are: Mr. Peanut for the Planter’s Peanut Company, Speedy for Alka Seltzer and Bob for Bob’s Big Boy Restaurants. If you aren’t familiar with these, and the 100’s of lesser known characters, there are some good books available on them.

I am having so much fun baking lately, I decided I needed a character for my fictitious baking company. I use almond flour, so a character who is an almond seemed reasonable-at least to me. My baker is carrying a tray of freshly baked almond flour goodies, boldly walking out of the frame.

I am very happy with my character but, like all characters, my baker needs a name. Please make your suggestions using the “Add comment” below.

The winning name will be added to the image.

UPDATE: I received over 30 suggestions for a name. After much thought, I selected “Baker Boy”. The drawing above has been updated. Thanks to all my readers who made suggestions.

Happy Mother’s Day

A Mother’s Day mystery

This morning we woke up to find a Mom’s Day thank-you gift on our table (photo at left). Our cat denies having any part in it, but the sawdust on his feet makes me highly suspicious.

As told in the cartoon, he apparently tip-toed out while we were asleep, drew out his idea, used my tools to make a little present (wearing hearing protection like a good cat), and then slipped back in to the house. In true cat fashion, he left a mess in the garage for me to puzzle over-and clean up.

Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers, and all the women in our lives who take such good care of us.