Hummingbird Nest

Wonders from our Garden

Recently we have been getting buzzed by a hummingbird when we walk in front of our garage. We knew this meant that we had a nest nearby, but we couldn’t see it. Yesterday I looked up into our tupidanthus and saw the nest,  6 ” above my head and 2′ from the edge of our open garage door. With us walking by all day, the door opening and closing, and our hunter cat on the premises – I can’t imagine why they picked such a busy spot for their nest.

I have never had any luck taking pictures of hummingbirds before, they move too fast. But I got lucky this morning and, using our zoom lens, caught Mom sitting on her nest and buzzing around, waiting for me to leave.

First       nest from above

Second  close-up of nest from the side
Third     Mom in nest
Fourth   Mom hovering
Fifth      Mom waiting impatiently for me to leave
Sixth     Mom back on nest