Tag Archives: wood

Tillansia Stand 1

steve wallet architect tillandsia air plant stand 1 digital model 9-9-2013Another quick project

A stand for some tillandsias. Tillandsias are air plants – they don’t need soil and can be set into just about any gap, branch or space. They also like air movement. This stand was made out of wood slats to provide lots of gaps to set them in and to allow the air to move through, and to use up more of my never-ending scrap pile.

steve wallet architect tillandsia air plant stand 1 construction 9-9-2013I use digital modeling to lay out most of my carpentry projects. It’s very fast and a great tool to communicate with my client (in this case Lisa). Pictures of the model, the construction, placement on the potting shed sink/table and finally with the requisite plants and accessories.

steve wallet architect tillandsia air plant stand 1 9-9-2013steve wallet architect tillandsia air plant stand 1 complete 9-9-2013