Category Archives: Schindler

RM Schindler’s How House, 1925, part 3 of 4, many interesting things


As soon as you see the house, you are aware of its obsessive geometry. (figure 1) One part of that obsession is the 16″ horizontal banding. It runs across all the exterior walls, and even over the living room corner window. All the design elements land on these bands: window tops and bottoms, door heads, changes in the building form such as roofs, walls and planters. Continue reading RM Schindler’s How House, 1925, part 3 of 4, many interesting things

RM Schindler’s How House, 1925, part 2 of 4, a change in orientation

But first, a discovery

Thanks to Jocelyn Gibbs and the Architecture & Design Collection at the University of California at Santa Barbara for permission to use Schindler’s original design plan for the How House 1, and confirming the direction of the north arrow on that plan.

Where’s the Sun? Continue reading RM Schindler’s How House, 1925, part 2 of 4, a change in orientation

RM Schindler’s How House, 1925, part 1 of 4, introduction

Can’t help myself…

The How House has been extensively documented and analyzed.1 Before I visited it, I thought I would just do one article of my photos. After all, what could I say that hasn’t already been said? However, I changed my mind after I visited the house. I noticed things I hadn’t expected, things that I wanted to figure out and explain. My simple article has grown to include a digital model and analysis, so I can talk about what I found. Continue reading RM Schindler’s How House, 1925, part 1 of 4, introduction